O.K. so VBS is this week and two days into it I am already questioning if I should really pursue my teaching degree.
Let me explain.
First of all VBS is only 3 hours long, and I am not a lead teacher, just a helper. There are 3 of us leaders and about 20 1st grade girls and we take them to different activities led by multiple other leaders. I am EXHAUSTED! If I become a teacher I would have more than 20 kids, I would be in charge, with no helpers, and the school day would last about 7 hours. YIKES!
I also have a couple of stories that may explain why I hesitate getting my teaching degree...
A 1st grade girl approached me with her hand clenched in a tight fist and asked, "Do you have a tissue or somthin?" I replied, "Not on me. Why do you need one.?" She answered, "Well I've been pickin my boogers..." at which point she opens her clenched fist to reveal several slimy boogers covering the palm of her hand.
Need I say more?
O.K. one more.
We are learning several songs with the kids that require us to memorize not only words but motions to every song. Those of you who know me well, know that I can not even keep a beat much less incorporate complicated motions to songs I don't know. Anyway, while we were in music class we were watching Pastor Wells to learn the motions and reading the words that appeared on the wall behind him. I was concentrating so hard and trying to do both tasks at the same time, when I inadvertently poked myself in the eye! SHHEEESH THAT HURT!
I truly do not know if I am cut out for this! ;)
What I learned in 2014
10 years ago
You can do anything you set your mind to. You just have to DO it.
Carol, even as an experience teacher I find teaching VBS exhausting. It is hard to create structure and enforce limits in such a short amount of time... especially when your kids are going to so many different stations.
Teaching is hard work, but if it is where God is calling you there is no more rewarding work. And, you are certainly never without funny stories to tell. I really wish I had written many of them down. Kids say the funniest things.
Thanks Beth! I was mostly joking, but the little part of me that is scared, is really glad to hear that VBS wears YOU out too! ;) I think I am also tired because my sis was here so we stayed up late visiting and I let Grace stay up later than normal so she could spend more time with her Auntie too. So being a little more tired was well worth it because we LOVE it when Auntie Lynda comes to vist!!! =)
Laughing out loud...certainly not AT you but WITH you! Sounds to me like you'll make an awesome teacher!
VBS is all about the short game my friend. School is certainly the long marathon. In VBS there is no time for discipline and setting up much rules. All about loving those kids and sharing Jesus. You will do just fine!
Carol, I know how you feel about the hand motions with the singing, I cannot do both either. Ok the booger thing made me GAG when I read it. I'm still gagging as i'm writing this. LOL. Hang in there theres only two more days!
VBS was lots of fun when I helped my aunt beth! I adore kids and I really want to be a preschool teacher! Well have an awesome rest of the week and I hope you have fun during VBS!
VBS is completing exhausting! Beth said it well, it will be hard work but if that is where God is leading it will be rewarding.
Thanks for missing me last night at the get-together. I'm sure it was fun, I was bummed to miss out.
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