Friday, August 22, 2008

RED ALERT! ~ Baby Growing Too Fast!

RED ALERT! ~ Baby Growing Too Fast!

On Monday my parents brought over a Big Girl bed for Grace. Yes my daughter has been in a crib for 3 years. She has never once tried to get out and I never had any problem with her staying in the crib until she was 5, but the new bed and her crib would not both fit in her room… So, I packed away her crib. When I put all the bolts into a baggy I realized I was not ready for this as I labeled the baggy BABY CRIB in black sharpie marker. I mean seriously, what other kind of crib would it be? I got a little choked up as I sealed the bag…

Then, on Wednesday night at church when she got tired of hanging around while I was visiting… She looked up at me with a look of sheer boredom, hand on hip and said, “Mom, can I go see my teachers now?” O.K. so I know my daughter displays her “pre-teen” attitude quite often so that did not surprise me. What surprised me was the complete sentence and referring to her teachers as teachers! What she would normally say is, “I go chutch, see Miss Henwy?” Or “I go pway toys, see Baby Edda?”

Those of you who know my daughter well, know that her large motor skills are slightly behind her peers. OK, maybe really behind if you compare her to Ella, who the Chinese wanted to use in their Olympics this year, but could not pass her off as 16! Anyway, on Thursday morning Grace ran to the bathroom climbed up her step stool and got on the potty ALL BY HERSELF! She has been potty trained for quite some time, but has never been able to master getting on the potty herself.

Then just one day later folks, which is today, she is now climbing on the potty, WIPING, getting off the potty and pulling up her own panties! My only consolation is that my daughter is so short she needs two step stools stacked on top of each other to reach the toilet and also needs her potty seat insert in place or she would fall right in. (Hey, I will take whatever comfort I can find right now.)

If I had known putting her in a big girl bed was going to start this domino effect, I would have left her in her crib until I was good and ready for her to grow up!!! ;)


Jill said...

WOW, I wish moving Ella into a big girl bed would have made her want to use the toilet. Hmmm...I guess it is going to take more than that.

Leslie said...

Oh Carol, the minute you begin to think "I wish she would grow up a bit and be able to do..." a few seconds later you're like "whoa, stop right there." You're never good and ready for them to grow up. I am really proud of Grace however. They really do seem to do well despite us don't they? Hugs!

Jill said...

I can't stop smiling about Ella in the Olympics. I think we will be ready for 2012...talks with China are in the works. ;o)

Lynda said...

What happened to my baby? My little baby is growing up!

Jamie said...

Loved seeing the cute pictures. Enjoy every goes so quickly.

Tricia said...

Ya know, as much as I always looked forward to the next phase of my kids, I never wanted them to grow up so quickly...keep enjoying each new phase, I know you will!

Lori said...

hey carol,
I know that you are making the most of every stage that gracie masters. I love watching you mother her....grace is one lucky little girl to have you!!!!!


Unknown said...

You never believe how fast it goes, until you're living it? I always wanted the "next thing" in all my children's lives, until it was there and nearly over. Then I just wished they were still little again. Oh, if they could just stay little. 'Course then we'd be changing diapers and up all night feeding for the rest of our lives...maybe this is ok....just maybe though!

Jeanine said...

TOO cute! Love the way little Gracie has started to figure things out! Be thankful for her being three and potty-trained. Faith was four and two months before she finally decided it was time. Then, just like that, no more pull-ups. However, it was embarrassing for me, as a mom, to have to explain why she still needed her pull-ups changed at over four years of age. The "they'll do it when they're ready" advice was true! You sure have gotten hit with everything at once, though! WOW! Hope she's not begging for a cell phone in the next couple of days. Maybe hold off on that until she's at least four!


P.S...LOVE the photos Gracie's God-Daddy took of her. He must have a very special way with her for her to cooperate so well for him!

Momma PG said...

very very cute!!

eva said...

That is so so so so so so sweet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!