Friday, May 2, 2008

~Please Prayerfully Consider~

I just got done reading the book Saving Levi. It is a remarkable storey and every page shows God’s divine intervention in this little boy’s life. I already knew most of the storey due to so many people telling me about the book before I read it, but I still could not put it down and read it cover to cover in one night. A very small part of the book was about Orly, who was an older child that was also adopted into the same family as Levi. She had 3 prior failed adoptions and was old enough to wait with eager anticipation, pinning her new family’s picture on the wall beside her bed, only to be devastated by yet another failed adoption. The impact this had on little Orly, really tore at my heart. I can not even begin to fathom her feelings of loss and rejection…

I have been thinking more and more about what my responsibility is, as a Christian, to “the least of these” What am I willing to do, what sacrifices am I willing to make? Ever since Beth brought home Kate, I have felt more than just a gentle tug to adopt again. It is totally insane, especially since I do not even have a job and I am already a single mom of one former orphan and I can’t even begin to imagine where more energy would come from for another child… I had always said that I would never be a single mom, and yet God had different plans for me. I now feel that familiar fire burning within me that led me to abandon my fairy tale dream life, that I had my heart so set on, and become a mommy through adoption. It is scary to even write it because it makes it more real. It is also scary because I know that there are so many “Nay Sayers” within my circle of friends. This leads me to something else I have been processing over and over in my mind…

I keep contemplating how to say this so as not to offend, but still get my point across. Then I rewrite and rewrite, but I have come to realize that sometimes you can’t water down the truth and sometimes you just might step on some toes that actually need to be stepped on… I know I have been offended by other Christians many times, only to find that they are right and I am the one who needed to hear Truth and have a heart change. So here it goes, as gently as I can without changing the message.

Why are so many Christians not involved in reaching out to orphans? Why when someone starts the adoption process, do so many Christians cluck their tongues and say things like: “What are they thinking, don’t they have enough kids?” “Don’t they know God planned for a Father AND a Mother?” “Are they crazy?” “They are just asking for more trouble, an older child comes with so many issues!” “They can’t even afford the kids they already have!” I could go on and on… My first reaction is to get angry because people just don’t get it. I have met so many adoptive families that have been hurt by fellow Christian’s comments and overall negativity towards adoption. It’s as if Christ’s command to take care of the orphans never existed or was not meant to cause an actual sacrifice on the part of the believer.

Did you know…

~Every 15 SECONDS, another child becomes an AIDS orphan in Africa
~Every DAY 5,760 more children become orphans
~Every YEAR 2,102,400 more children become orphans (in Africa alone)
143,000,000 Orphans in the world today spend an average of 10 years in an orphanage or foster home
~Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually, but…
~Every YEAR 14,050,000 children still grow up as orphans and AGE OUT of the system
~Every DAY 38,493 children AGE OUT
~Every 2.2 SECONDS, another orphan child AGES OUT with no family to belong to and no place to call home

How can we not respond as believers, and do something to reach these children? When I went to Romania on a short term mission trip, we helped in 5 different orphanages. I could never express to you the horrendous living conditions of these children. We literally treat the animals in the pound far, far better than these little children were being treated. The “care takers” at the orphanage would allow men to pay them money and then they would lock all the children in so they could not escape and let the men have their way with the children. This is a reality that we can not shut our eyes to, as we go about our comfortable, merry lives.

If God has not called you to adopt, and please don’t just raise your hand and say, “That’s me!” Then there are other ways to get involved. I could list a whole bunch of ways you could be involved in carrying out Christ’s command to take care of the orphans but it would be pointless. Only when your heart is truly open to being used, will God be able to lay on your heart how He specifically wants you to be a part of this mission to reach His little children.

Obviously, I am very passionate about this. I hope that you will not just blow it off saying, “well that’s her thing and I have my thing and God gives us all different ministries… That would be like saying, “When God commanded us to go and make disciples for Christ, He was only talking to a select few.” We can not pick and choose which commands we will follow according to what suits us best.

Please, hear my heart on this. These children are hurting deeper than most of us could ever imagine. They are completely hopeless without our help. God has not asked us to do for them, what He has not already done for us. We were once hopeless, hurting and dying. God chose to show His love to us through adoption. Talk about making the ultimate sacrifice to love the unloveable!

Romans 8:15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. ("Abba", translates into "Daddy"... I love that!)

Ephesians 1:5Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

I am so thankful that God chose adoption, aren’t you?


Jill said...

I know your heart on this Carol. Thank you for being so passionate for the orphans, helpless, and weak.

I have to ask myself what am I doing for the 'least of these' in my own life? Ella is no longer an orphan, I can not rely on what we have done in the past to carry us into the future.

You have given me food for thought. With Beth, Torrey, Shana and the Downens it has made me think and ask of the Lord 'What now?' I will let you know when I know because although it may or may not be to adopt again God has asked us all to help. And there are so many that need the help that we can offer.

Although in the American economy my family may not have much, in the world economy we do. And in God's economy...we are stinkin' rich! ;o)

Lori said...

well said, well said....
the families that are in my line of sight that have adopted are heroes in my mind,but what we have to keep in mind is that they would simply say that they were being obedient to the call of God and that it was His journey, not theirs.
God is the one who called them, God is the one who made it possible, God is the One who overcame obstacles, and God was the one who ordained the adoption process.
I think that people have the misunderstanding that you have to be a "super-christian" to adopt, when it is simple a matter of hearing the call and being obedient to it.
Good thoughts, though....


Tricia said...

I am so glad God chose to adopt me into his family. You have so many good thoughts here, and believe me I have contemplated lots of them many times. I still don't have all the answers. I think there is so much in your blog, I better not respond too much and get my foot in my mouth. This is kind of a good conversation piece, I think. My heart is often burdened by thinking about this situation. Since God has called us to take care of the orphans, does that mean God call has called everyone to adopt? Hmmm... Personally, I am open to whatever God's will is. At least for you and Beth, there are no other decision makers to consider deciding with you. You know? I do know, as Torrey and Shana were getting ready to leave, I did think "take me with you"... Ok, I've probably said too much. I had a great time with you this weekend, my sanguine friend...

Jamie said...

I so appreciate hearing your heart! Above all else it is our responsibility as Christians to be Christ like in all we do. It is the desire of my heart to say "YES" to whatever God asks of me. You are right, there are so many ways to be involved...and I pray that I would be available to God to get involved in whatever way He wants me to.

Thanks for sharing!

NANO said...

POST SMALLER!!! Icant read that long!! my eyes would hurt!!!!!