Sunday, May 25, 2008

~Gracie Hangin With The Boys~

The Monster Energy Drinks are the boys'
Grace is only pretending to be cool!

Last week Nathan and Eli spent a couple days at my house and we had a BLAST! These wild and crazy guys are a lot of fun and have been such a blessing to me. For all their totally “boy behavior”, when they play with Grace they are both so gentle and loving and really take the time to get on her level and be her buddies. When I was making dinner the boys took Grace to play in her room and soon I could hear her squealing with delight at their antics. Grace does have them both wrapped around her finger! She loves to boss them and get them to do her bidding, probably because they respond so much quicker than Mommy… ;) Anywho, I wanted to post this because I am very thankful for both Nathan and Eli, but even more so, I wanted to say that they are the product of wonderful Godly parents.

Both the Taylors and Shelbys have instilled the love of Jesus in their children. They have been such an example to me and I can not say enough how much it has meant for me as a parent. I guess Pastor Stanley’s sermon got me thinking today about Godly parenting and the type of Mommy I want to be for Grace. He has given me such a great support system and for that I am thankful. I am also thankful that Grace has such wonderful men in her life to look up to. Thank you Todd and Ron, for filling this vital role in my little girl’s life. I see Jesus in you and I know Gracie does too. I see how amazing all of your kids are turning out and I am praying that with all your help and by the grace of God, Gracie will grow into a Godly young lady, such as Emily, Sarah and Emma!

Thank you, Nathan and Eli for making Gracie feel so special and loved, with your doting attention, and for making her laugh till she can hardly breathe! Grace and I both enjoy you immensely! ;)


vAdA said...

Ya, they can be pretty wild!! lol. Well, im glad u had a fun time with e. Ew....Monster....gross!! lol. well, ttyl.

NANO said...

does that mean i deserve another monster?!?! :)

Carol said...

No Eli, no more Monsters for you until you are mowing at least 10 lawns for money. That way you can buy your own! But I will be more than happy to drive you to get them, because you don't got the skillzzzzz!!! ;p LOL!!!

Brooke said...

That was nice of you Carol!!

Pansy said...

uh that sounds like sooooooooo much FUN!!!!

Jamie said...

You are so nice! What a blessing you are to all these kids.

I'm so glad it worked out for you and Grace to come over yesterday! We had a blast hanging out with you!!!

Ginger said...

I've heard so many good comments about Stanley's sermon on Sunday; I'm sorry I missed it. I'll have to just look forward to my tape coming....

Thanks for taking the time to invest in other people's children, Carol. That can be a special gift.

Jill said...

Let's see if you still call Carol a blessing after she gives your kids Monsters and Mountain Dew ;o)

I am very thankful for Carol for investing so much into my kids and taking a genuine interest in them.

Lynda said...

My advice is to give them the monster drink and then send them home. I CAN'T WAIT TO GIVE GRACE HER FIRST REAL MONSTER DRINK!!!! Do you think I should wait till she is 4?

Jeanine said...

Hi, Carol!
It's've been "lurking in my blog" :) I have a secret, though...I've recently started lurking in yours, too...and I enjoy it!
I'm Kim's (Tricia's sister) friend. Kim is the one who encouraged me to start blogging. I LOVE IT! And the best part is the people I have met through doing it. I'm adding you to my favorites and can't wait to learn more about you.
Enjoy your day!

dominique sambrano said...

it sounds lkike you guys have lots of fun with the boys around

randi said...

if she was laughing and couldn't breath then she was laughing really hard.

Jamie said...

So, I check your blog every day...faithfully and while I think the picture of Gracie and the boys is cute I am ready for something new.

Love ya friend!

Jill said...

I am with Jamiie...time for a new post friend!

Wendi said...

Carol I know you have been out of town, its been way to quiet!!! Hurry up and get back we miss you..we are waiting for you to post something new...hope you are having a great time.