I went grocery shopping this afternoon to pick up some things for a 4th of July BBQ over at the Crowder’s. Well, I decided to go all out and shop at the local “Yuppie Mart” (Yoke’s) instead of my normal Wal-Mart trip. I reasoned that the last several times I have bought produce at Wal-Mart it has not been very good and the Crowder family deserves nothing but the very best! ;) So I donned my dressiest flip flops and made sure my shirt had no visible bleach marks or stains. I put Grace in an adorable little sun outfit and put fresh ponytails in her hair. We were all set for Yuppie Mart! ;) I soon found myself slowly browsing though every single aisle, marveling at the clean floors, organized shelves and even an olive bar where I could choose from literally dozens of different olives I had never heard of, for only $9.99 a pound! Grace was not nearly as impressed as her Mommy was, and started whining that she wanted to go “bye bye”. (Something she would never do at Wal-Mart, where she only whines to go see the toys!) Well, I got frustrated with my uncultured daughter and told her to stop whining and look at the Mango Ginger Cheese for only $30 a pound! She wasn’t having any part of my highfaluting ways, and continued to whine. As I was walking with head held high, shoulders squared, through the health food section of Yuppie Mart, my daughter vomited all over the beautiful shiny yuppie floors… I stood aghast as disgusting horrid chunks spewed out of my little girls face and all my dreams of shopping with the upper crust of Tri-Cities lay in a smelly mess on the polished floor and dripped off the shiny silver cart. I quickly collected myself, hailed an employee to let her know there had been a “spill” on aisle 7 and rushed my daughter to the bathroom to clean her up. After taking off her adorable outfit, (getting barf on her ponytails in the process), I wiped off my own shirt as best I could… I suddenly realized... that when your kid throws up in a store, there is a whole lot less mess for the Mommy to clean up. =) Now I faced a new dilemma. Do I go through the line and purchase the items in my cart or do I just leave the cart? (After all, the cream cheese was on sale for only 99 Cents and that is even cheaper than Wal-Mart. Yes, this thought actually went through my mind. Don’t judge me.) So I waltzed though the check out in my wet shirt, with my slightly disheveled daughter who was wearing nothing but sandals and faded Little Mermaid Underwear.
Unfortunately my baby girl is still not feeling well and has thrown up at home too. I was actually wishing for the embarrassment of Yuppie Mart, when I was on my hands and knees cleaning the carpet in my bedroom. =( It is now almost midnight and Grace is watching a movie on Mommy’s bed. Notice the beach towel covering my bed and handy barf bucket near by, “just incase”
My next shopping trip will be to Wal-Mart, where most of the kids (and parents for that matter) look like they recently barfed, and the floors are already dirty ;)
What I learned in 2014
10 years ago
My poor baby girl!! I hope she is feeling better soon! Make sure you remind her that auntie Lynda loves the baby!
Oh, I am sorry to hear she isn't feeling well. I'm sure Jared is glad you weren't shopping at his yokes, or he would have been the one to have to clean up that mess.
Hope she is feeling better soon!
ok not funny that grace puked, but remember our conversation at bible study about you not being able to handle puke (and me for that matter) I'm remembering the guy with the slobber right now. Hope she feels better soon.
Ok you story was too funny at the yokes market, I seriously can see the whole thing now.
So sorry that Grace is not feeling well. But that is funny...funny for me!
Hope you have a great weekend and you don't catch the bug.
You are so funny Carol, my side has a little laugh ache. I am sorry that little Grace is not feeling well. We did miss you at the festivities yesterday... guess we will just have to have another "celebration" so you and Grace can be there.
Hope to see you Sunday!
EEEEWWWWW! NOT fun! I remember one time the zoo when Faith threw up. The reason why she threw up wasn't funny...she had just finished a round of chemo about a week prior...but we thought she was okay for the zoo. She wasn't. Threw up all over and I completely freaked. Thankfully Kim was there to help hold it all together.
Hope Grace is feeling better soon! She's adorable!
Funny, funny. (well, for me, not you, I suppose) You are a very good writer. Very detailed! I almost threw up just reading about it (I have that weird gag reflex that makes me gag a nearly anything...good thing I stayed out of the healthcare field). Hope Grace is feeling better!
swimming was a total blast! i think we should do it again REAL soon! =D
poor grace... hey carol, i have not talked to you in EVER. we will have to hang sometime. oh and thanks for the cookie dough ice cream. that totally made my day =]
I am sorry she was sick...I hope you didn't get it too. But since I haven't seen you for a while, I am wondering! Hope to see you Sunday!
Yes... Unfortunately... I did get Grace's yucky crud. I guess I should not give her so many kisses when she feels yucky! My plan is to be there Sunday, Lord willing! =)
Hey Carol, please don't feel bad about Beth getting sick. She said that several kids at school were sick this week. And some even throwing up at school. And the nurses mentioned it may have been something she ate. So, chances are she didn't even get it from you. She is feeling much better this morning! Please don't feel bad!!!
Yess Iam B-Ham!! haha
I think we did meet..at the Conference I was the one with Nevada!! Well anyways..Who is telling all the stories!? I hope there good ones!!
AHA!! you heared about Emma and her neck!! :]
Yes Ron scarred me very much..haha!!
I will have VERY MUCH fun at camp! Are you going up and helping?!
Now you have a great "throw up" story to tell Grace when she's about 13. Let's hope one is enough.
No, I haven't blogged yet :) but I plan to tomorrow.
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