Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sometimes I get Tired...

I have been learning a very valuable lesson lately and it has been hard to admit out loud... My daughter is not perfect. OK, so I have actually known this for quite sometime but it is still hard to say out loud. A very good friend of mine stated it like this: "They are just little bundles of SIN!" I had always heard it as JOY but I am afraid she is right... and lately, my God given task of guiding her and disciplining her has been nothing short of tiresome. I get so tired of trying to be consistent and (oops I almost wrote "doing it on my own" but I have so much support from friends and family, I can not truthfully say that) But some days I just feel like all I do is correct and discipline and I want to just have fun and praise my little girl for how amazing she is, then every time I turn around she is doing something that she very well knows is a "no, no!"

Once again, God uses my daughter to teach me a lesson. I wonder how many times God looks at me and says, "I wish I could just bless the socks off her and bring joy into her life, but she keeps doing exactly the opposite of what I have asked of her so the only thing I can fit into her day is discipline!"

The great thing is that God loves us even more than we love our own children, which in itself is hard for me to grasp…


NANO said...

UUUUHHHH.....i cant remember what you told me to say so.....uuuuhhhhhmmmm. OK!!

vAdA said...

Well, I know that you will do what GOd is telling you to do! Luvin the background!! well, ttyl! ~vada~

Tricia said...

You are so correct. I thought my firstborn was about perfect, until she was 20 mos. I used to pray that my firstborn would be good, so I would wouldn't get upset. Then I learned God wants to teach me through them!!! way seems so much faster. Needless to say, I am still learning over a decade later, and have still so much to learn. When I fail though, God is faithful and just to forgive my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) Amen! If it weren't for that parenting and life would at times seem so hopeless. Reminds me of another great verse. "He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus!" Hang in there!

Lori said...

I want to encourage by saying that one day you will see the fruit of your labors....and it will be so good!!!!!
However, you might not see it for awhile so don't lose diligent...for it will come.
You are such a blessing to me, my friend.
keep on keepin' on.


Jill said...

God's sandpaper on our hearts! Just when I think my kids really get it, they show me maybe not so much! It keeps us humble. Just remember the more we do now (at 2) the less we will have to do later (at 16 or so) Now is when saying no is is all small stuff.

You are so right the God wants to bless our socks off...Oh, if I would just stay obedient! Argh!

NANO said...

Why is'nt the title of this post "My second post" ?

Naylor said...

did u call ur 2nd post "MY Second Post?" huh? HUH!?

Beth said...

Consistency is tough... especially on days when we are so very tired. I often have to remind myself that if I don't do the hard work today I will be paying for it tomorrow.

Jill said...

Sometimes I get tired looking at the same post for days at a time. ;o)

Tori said...

Oh wow I must say your daughter is the cutest little thing! My goodness she is so adorable! =]

-Tori =D